One's self doctor
9.1. Medicine chest
For first-aid dressing to your favourite cat, it is necessary that the medicine box was always at hand. Here is what should be included in it:
1. Bandages.
○ Bandage sterile
○ Cotton wool
○ Garrot
2. Instruments:
○ Blunt scissors, better with bent tips.
○ Surgical forceps.
○ Eyedropper.
○ Ball syringe on 50-100 ml.
○ The thermometer medical (don't regret money and get the electronic thermometer, it will reduce time of temperature measurement much, thereby making this procedure easier both for you, and for your cat. Besides it is safer, than mercury one at thermometry of uneasy animals).
○ Single-use syringes (it is better to have insulinic syringes and syringes on 5 ml.).
○ claws cut.
3. Antiseptics:
○ Brilliant green
○ Iodine
○ Hydrogen doixide
○ Balsam "Buran"
4. Adsorbents:
○ Adsorbent coal in pills.
○ enterosgel (paste).
○ smekta.
5. Anthelmintics:
○ drontale for cats.
○ albendazole etc.
6. Antibiotics:
○ Baytril 5 % solution.
○ formazin 50.
○ cefalexin.
7. Cardiacs:
○ cordiamin in ampoules.
○ sulfokamfokaine in ampoules.
8. Pain-relievers and anti-inflammatory:
○ traumel.
○ Dexamethasone.
○ novocaine.
9. Antiemetics:
○ cerucal in pills.
10. Spasmolytics:
○ No-shpa.
11. Ointments:
○ сintomicine.
○ streptocide.
○ tetracycline eye
○ eritromicine eye
12. Vitamins:
○ etamsylate (dicynon).
○ gamavite.
13. Antihistamines:
○ Dimedrol in ampoules.
○ suprastin, tavegil, diazoline, loratadine in pills.
14. Eye drops:
○ lakricane.
○ maxidine.
○ Iris.
15. Ear drops:
○ amitrazine plus.
○ otopheronol gold.
○ aurikane.
○ otospektrine.
16. Antiviral and immunostimulants:
○ phosprenile.
○ maxidine.
○ immunophan.
○ vitaphel.
○ ciclopherone.
○ anandine.
9.2. How to give a cat solid medicines (pills, drops, capsules)
At first tenderly talk to a cat, calm her, then envelop it in a towel for it not to scratch, or fix its withers, then, keeping the top jaw with one hand, throw back its head with nose upwards, slightly, but confidently clamp ears with two fingers - thus the cat itself will slightly open a mouth - and put a pill, trying to get on tongue root. At once close the cats` mouth and stroke its neck in a gullet direction for 2-3 minutes until it makes a swallow. Thus hold cat's head raised to reduce the risk of medicine exspuition. It is possible to use the washing bottle or syringe without a needle to pour some pure water beyond cat's cheek to stimulate swallowing. Then open cat's mouth to make sure that it has swallowed a medicine. If everything is all right encourage a cat if not - calmly, without nerves, repeat the procedure.
If to grease a pill with butter or to dip in vegetable oil, it will be easier to a cat to swallow it. It is possible to place a pill in a small piece of meat.
9.3. How to give a cat free-flowing medicines (powders)
Repeat the same actions which are described in the chapter about how to give pills, with the only difference that the powder should be poured out at first on cat's tongue, and then to fill in water. Besides, powders can be mixed with water at first and to stir up or mix with butter and honey and to smear this mix on cat's tongue and lips.
9.4. How to give a cat liquid medicines (solutions, tinctures, broths)
Keep the top jaw of a cat the same way as it was described in previous cases, but try, that the head of a cat was in horizontal position. Then, holding a jaw with one hand, pull off a cheek and pour out a medicine from a syringe without a needle in "the pocket" formed at pulling off a corner of a mouth in a place of the top and bottom jaws meeting. Close a mouth and stroke a neck in gullet direction while the cat doesn't swallow a medicine. Praise it.
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