To bind it cannot be castrated
Do you remember an analogous phrase from the children's film “to execute it cannot be shown mercy”? From where you will place a comma, the sense changes. Also depending on ordering of punctuation marks in the name of this article the pattern of your life and interrelation with your animal will change.
With the purchase of a kitten the breeder usually asks the buyer: if he/she takes the kitten for the breeding or as the domestic favorite, “for the sofa”. Someone has already decided this question. But many buyers don`t really imagine this “breeding” as itself. There are a lot of errors and prejudices about the cats` castration and the breeding, especially for those, who buy a cat for the first time.
Here are these typical error
1. Many people think that the cats` mating season can be twice a year, the same as for dogs and is accompanied by the simply increased sexual inclination to the opposite sex. I was greatly surprised when I found the same information even in the cats` veterinary passport. Actually, for the outdoorsy cats, the sexual cycle is regulated by nature (by the length of a light day, heat-cold, the opportunity to hunt more or less successfully). For these cats the mating seasons are rare, and they raise 1-2 broods per year. However, for the domestic cats the ideal conditions are created: they live in a warm place, with a constant illumination, they are always satiated. Therefore the “eternal spring” is in the soul of our favorites, and they are ready to sing amorous songs up to 10-15 times per year with short interruptions. Especially this concerns the eastern species, which moreover possess loud shrill voices. It is worthwhile to point out that many cats begin their mating season at the age of 5-6 months and before reaching the childbearing age (10-15 months) they are able to exhaust their masters. The protracted mating season happened to my friends` cat, it lasted for 2 months. All this time they carried it on their hands at night by turns in order to give the children and neighbors an opportunity to sleep. Certainly, after the first travails they sterilized their favorite and now they are happy to have a playful, good-natured and silent creature.
2. The castration of tomcats or the sterilization of she-cats is unambiguously greeted by experienced breeders and causes very contradictory feelings in “no experienced”. The basic opponents of the castration of tomcats are men. Probably, from the man solidarity they attempt to transfer their emotions to the tomcats. In this case they forget that the tomcats do not have the social recognition of sex. The regulation of the sexual inclination occurs purely physiologically for he-cats: there is a hormone - there is a reproductive instinct, there is no hormone - there is no sexual desire. So, a he-cat wants a she-cat exactly as long as it has the man sexual hormones (testosterone). The absence of these hormones for he-cats does not make it socially flawed, and he-cat does not grieve about the fact that it no longer can be paired.
Also many people think that it is impossible to castrate the cat, that has already had a sexual experience. It is also a purely human approach: allegedly, it will recall how good it felt and be distressed from the fact that it “cannot” do it anymore. I assure you, that it wouldn’t, because the cats do “this” not for their pleasure, but for the continuing of the generation, this is just an instinct, which is determined by the hormones.
3. Many people think that it is necessary for a she-cat to mother at least once before the sterilization to prevent some mysterious illnesses in the future. It is completely wrong. Much more diseases appear precisely as a result of binding, pregnancy and travails. The cat can be sterilized from the age of 4 months. It is enough to delete only the ovaries before the first 3-4 mating seasons. This is the sufficiently simple and low-traumatic operation that is made through the small section on the side, it requires minimum postoperative withdrawal. The removal of a dam and ovaries are necessary after the over past 3-4 mating seasons.
It is possible to remove testes to the tomcat at the age of 3 months. Earlier the opinion existed that it is possible to castrate a tomcat only after the sexual maturity. These data are disproved at the present moment. The studies showed that the growth of the sexual organs is not stopped by the early castration, but the general physical development and growth are better than the regular he-cats have.
4. One more regular error. The owners think that it is enough for a he-cat to “hang out” for a couple months in summer on the dacha, and these recollections will be enough up to the following summer. Or it is enough to by it a she-cat - the “girl friend”, with who it will have the regular conjugal relations. Alas, alas… For a mature tomcat it is necessary to have from 6-8 to 24 bindings per year depending on its temperament. Hardly will you be able to offer your tomcat so many regular bindings, if it is not such a valuable, imported, expensive super-puper breeder. But the cat`s “wife” in this situation will be the infinitely pregnant tormented creature. The chronically dissatisfied tomcat marks (douses urine) walls and furniture, shouts loudly, grows thin, becomes nervous and aggressive. Do these cats` sorrows cost the master`s pride for the presence of 2 “balls” under the he-cat`s tail? However, the best arguments in this thesis are the marked owner`s boots, the malodorous soft set and (God forbid!) the bitten or scratched children.
5. The opponents of castration sometimes propose their tomcat for free bindings, supposing that the greedy owners of she-cats will help him/her to get the mass inflow of brides. Theoretically – it is a variant. Only there are some doubts: if the owners of these cats don’t what to spend 200 dollars for binding, then maybe, they also don`t spend money on good feeding, the inspection, the vaccinations. Then there is the probability that these “free” she-cats can not be entirely healthy and will infect your tomcat with something. By the way, and the very process of bindings is not entirely aesthetical, it is accompanied by the heart-rending cries of animals, but sometimes also by the ruin of the apartment.
6. Some owners try to avoid the mating seasons by the use of the hormonal contraceptives. Alas, these contraceptives are terribly harmful for the health and can cause the severe illnesses: breast and womb cancer, purulent inflammation of womb (pyometra), cystic disease of ovaries.
7. There is an opinion that the operations of the castration of tomcats and sterilization of she- cats are extremely complex and are capable “to kill” the animal. But we can answer that any cats` treatment in the hands of an unfair veterinarian is capable to harm. But if the operation is made in the hospital by the qualified doctor, the risk is reduced to the minimum. And it surely does not exceed the risk from the complicated travails, the diseases that are acquired through the binding with outdoorsy or doubtful animals, and injuries of tomcats in the battle for a she-cat in the dacha.
8. Someone thinks that the castrated animals become thick, lazy and unsociable. It is absolutely not so! If a tomcat was playful and affectionate before the castration, it will remain the same. Maybe even become better, since it will lose the sexual dominant, which darkened for it the entire world. However, the appetite of the castrated animals becomes better. But the problem of getting on weight is easily solved by a special diet for the castrated males.
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